Saturday, January 4, 2020

Taking a Look at Cloning - 2221 Words

â€Å"A clone is an identical genetic copy of a biological entity.† (LaPensee, 2012) Clones are defined as an identical genetic copy, however, clones do not always look identical. This is due to the different ways that genes are interpreted and the role the environment plays in how an organism develops (LaPensee, 2012). Although the term clone was not used until 1963 in a speech, the investigation into genetics had begun much earlier with the work of August Weismann in the late 1880s (LaPensee, 2012). Weismann proposed that cell differentiation would reduce the genetic information contained within a cell. This theory pervaded until 1902 when the German embryologist Hans Spelmann showed how split salamander embryos could still grow to adulthood (LaPensee, 2012). The past of cloning has many significant events. The first significant event occurred in 1996 when Ian Wilmut, Keith Campbell and colleagues create the first cloned mammal, a sheep they named Dolly (Back Story, 2013). In 2001, President George W. Bush banned federal funding for research that uses stem cells, with the exception of a small number of existing cell lines. The decision severely restricted stem cell research in the US, this decision was reversed in 2009 by President Barack Obama (Back Story, 2013). A few years later, in 2011, researchers tried to create human embryonic stem cells using nuclear transfer, but the eggs would either stall out after only a few divisions or need an extra set of chromosomes to growShow MoreRelatedTaking a Look at Cloning1043 Words   |  4 Pages usually found in older sheep. This raised the suspicion that cloning may or may not be connected with certain diseases that may be abnormal to mammals in a young stage in their life. After the successful cloning of Dolly, scientists have attempted to clone other mammals such as dogs, pigs, cows, and cats. Recent study has brought the discussion on whether or not our science is advanced enough to clone human beings. Although cloning human beings can lead to medical discoveries and breakthroughsRead MoreTaking a Look at Human Cloning1067 Words   |  4 Pageswords, cloning. It did not take a long time for scientists to understand that the same qualified organisms could be created by using and copying cells. After the first successful mammal cloning, Dolly the sheep in 1997, science world was proud, but not satisfied yet. Curiosity and enthusiasm manipulated scientists to reach the climax of the cloning history with an astonishing, but a risky discovery: the first successful stem cell cloning in 2013 which declares the possibility of human cloning. On oneRead MoreTaking a Look at DNA Cloning1260 Words   |  5 PagesDNA cloning is the process of creating a multitude of copies of isolated DNA fragments; DNA cloning can be carried out via in vitro or in vivo methods. One can clone a specific DNA sequence or entire gene fragments. There are a multitude of procedures to carry out DNA cloning, but the major steps are the same for all types. To begin the process, one must isolate a DNA fragment from the chromosomal DNA. This is done by using a restriction enzyme. One could also use gel electrophoresis and polymeraseRead MoreTaking a Look at Human Cloning848 Words   |  3 PagesHuman cloning is the process of taking an emptied human embryo and inserting the human DNA or the DNA of any living creature. After all this the embryo will grow and form as if it were in the womb and conceived normally. Human cloning is not just some make believe idea, it is here. Human cloning can save countless lives through stem cell research or by finding cures for diseases. Human cloning is not just cloning people depending on the cells in the embryo the embryo will grow to become those selectedRead MoreThe Permissable Nature of Cloning Illustrated in Jennifer and Rachel by † Lee M. Silver664 Words   |  3 PagesIn â€Å"Jennifer and Rachel,† Lee M. Silver argues that reproductive cloning deems permissible to those who encourage it, as opposed to those who reject it and don’t want to run the risk of how they’ll look in the eyes of society. Jennifer, an independent career driven woman, believes that the best way to have a baby of her own at her age is by cloning. Silver’s description of the cloning procedure is done by retrieving cells from the willing adult; prepare the cells for merging to unfertilized eggsRead MoreJohn Stuart Mill s Philosophy On The Morality And Ethical Nature Of The Subject1507 Words   |  7 Pagessubject. Cloning can be viewed a few different ways based on the teachings in philosophy one follows. Utilitarianism Utilitarianism is a branch of philosophy, which bases its understanding of right action on consequences. More precisely, an act is considered right if it creates the most happiness (pleasure), and the least pain, for the greatest number of people affected by that action. In this way, utilitarianism is sometimes called a moral calculus. A utilitarian approach to cloning would lookRead More The Benefits of Cloning Essay970 Words   |  4 PagesBenefits of Cloning Imagine having a twin that looks and acts exactly like you. Even more interesting this twin is a product of scientific cloning. If scientists have their way, identical replicas of human beings will be roaming the earth. This scientific vision may occur a lot more recent then many think. Cloning can be (better) understood by looking at it’s definition, process, and some examples. This first step to better understanding cloning is to hear precisely what it is. Cloning can be definedRead MoreThe Controversy of Genetic Cloning873 Words   |  3 Pages Genetic cloning is one of the most controversial topics of all time. People, specifically scientists, are constantly searching for ways to improve the quality of human life. As a result, they began genetically engineering animals and are currently in search of a method to genetically engineer humans as well; which is called human cloning. There are many reasons why people should not go forward with this step since genetic cloning, consequently human cloning, does not respect nature nor does itRead More Human Cloning Should be Permitted Essay example1371 Words   |  6 PagesHuman Cloning Should be Permitted What would you say if I told you that scientists had just developed a new procedure that could lead not only to the cure for cancer, but would provide an unlimited source of organ donors and could lead to the first effective treatment of nerve damage? Now adding on to this scenario lets say that our government was taking action to ban this new procedure because of a few myths and some loud mouthed conservatives. This scenario is true and is taking placeRead MoreCloning And Its Implications On Human Cloning1497 Words   |  6 PagesCloning and Its Sociobiological Implications Picture this: walking down a street and seeing someone who looks exactly like you. They do the same things as you, act the same way you do, and are exactly alike in several ways. But have people ever considered the consequences of human cloning if it becomes permitted? Human cloning might seem like something out of a science-fiction novel, but it may someday be possible with advances in science and technology. This will result in the creation of several

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